Today…Santiago stole his friends food

The school year is coming to an end and I had Santiago’s end of the year meeting with his teachers yesterday. Santiago is doing great, he’s a great little nino, has come a long way over the past ano and the teachers love him.  He is talking a ton saying things like truck, pato, agua, bottle, more, I did it, mano, pie, oso, poto, and much more. His physical skills, like eating with a spoon/fork, running, jumping, are all improving. It’s amazing to see the difference from 1 year old to 2 years old, it’s like night and day. At this time last year he wasn’t even walking, now he’s my little maniac:)

So back to the meeting; the teachers asked me yesterday if Santiago really ate as healthy as he does at school at home. I of course said yes (I send him leftovers from dinner for his lunch).  They encouraged me and told me how great it was; however, Santiago will sometimes get a little jealous of the other kids food and while they are looking away during lunch reach over and eat the other kids food:) I had no idea. Poor little Santiago.

On another note, Andres is growing like a weed and moving around a ton by just rolling from one side of the room to the other. We started giving him food last week. He has eaten platano, camote, and avena so far. He’s a doll, super patient and just wonderful to be around. He makes everyone in the room smile. My sweet little Andres, Santiago can’t wait to play with you!

Today I…had a busy but fun day

It’s been great having our kitchen back. Though this week I only cooked 3 times, I was at least able to host Mothers Day and finally cook for my Mother in Law last Sunday.  This week was a bit busy with birthday parties and baby showers; overall a fun.

I realized today how easy I have had it with my two little ninos.  Though I’m not religious I feel they are both a blessing in my life and thank God, or that higher being for gracing me with such beautiful, loving, and easy little boys.  At the birthday party this morning chatter was filled with talk about crying babies, constant allergies, and blood in stool and I just listened not really having much to add, which made me realize how great my boys are:)

Work has been great as well. The most exciting thing I’m working on now is working with a women to implement and introduce a Health & Wellness Program which I’m super excited about. In addition to some cosmetic changes which are leading to a fundamental shift in our workplace culture, so that’s pretty awesome.

I’m working on everyday being grateful, everyday loving life, and everyday working to improve myself, my home and my family. Little by little. Off to organize my closet and Andres’s room. So much to do, so little time. You know all those important things:) Until next time…

Today…They almost finished my kitchen

It’s been 6 weeks since they started today and they’re finally almost done! We now have a fully functional beautiful new kitchen:) Yay!  A few small things they are coming back for next week, but besides that it has been an awesome experience from start to finish and we’ve had so much help along the way from abuela y su familia. Without them we would have been staying in a hotel for 6 weeks, rather than 4 days (we stayed in a hotel while they were working on our floors).

This week, back to eating at home, making dinner for my family, and spending more well-needed time at home reorganizing our lives and our stuff. It’s May and the year is almost half over, it’s crazy how time flies at lightening speed these days, tomorrow Andres will be 5 months and Santiago 23 months (only a month left to cumplir 6 mese y 2 anos).  Still debating what I’m going to do for these big acheivements. Anyways, I’m extremely tired and have fallen asleep twice while writing this.

Unit next time…